Beaver Meadows Borough 100 E. BROAD STREET
Bus Ph:: 570-455-7841
Police Ph:: 570-455-1919
Emergency: 911

Mayor: Thad Williams Sr. Council President: Michael Baran. Council Vice President: BJ Cryder Council Members: Michael Gerhard, Barb Brandon, PJ Sateach, William Curilla, Dydyna Tranguch. Borough Secretary/Treasurer: Laura Coppersmith. Water/Sewer/Garbage Billing Clerk: Mary Rayno.
Pay Utilities
Special Meeting 12/20/2024
Special Meeting 12/20/2024
Beaver Meadows Borough Council Meeting Agenda 1/6/2025 The Meeting will be held in Council Chambers. * Call to order:  Pledge to the flag.  Roll Call * Dispense with reading of the minutes from the previous meetings.  December 2nd, 2024  December 20th, 2024 (Special meeting)  Omissions or corrections  Accept the minutes. * Communications  Email from resident * Executive Session NA * Committee Reports * Engineering * Streets  Make a motion to ratify the following uses of the Covid relief fund: 1. $6,400 2nd and Church Street storm sewer inlet repair 2. $27,068.12 New Street Paving 3. $17,500 for 2nd Street inlet replacement * Police  Monthly police report * Sanitation * Buildings * Water and Sewer  Past due accounts  Biros report  Sewer line infrastructure * Parks and Recreation:  Barb will read a report on Recreation. * Zoning  Zoning ticket-making changes * CCCOG: * Unfinished Business:  Church Street one-way signs * New Business:  Make a motion to hire Myers Environmental Services to be our water operator at $300.00 a month.  Make a motion to keep Alfred Benesch as our engineering firm.  Discuss office enclosure  Make changes to move in permit ordinance and make a motion to advertise the changes. Ordinance has not been updated in over 20 years.  Reorganize department heads to be the following: 1. Barb Brandon -Recreation and Sanitation 2. Mike Baran -Water and Sewer 3. BJ Cryder-Streets 4. Paul Sateach-Buildings 5. Michael Gerhard-Zoning 6. Dydyna Tranguch-Finance  Lack of communication amongst Council members and secretary (Bill Curilla)  Parking issue Broad and Depot Streets (Bill Curilla)  Police Productivity 2024 (Bill Curilla)  Send Laura to the "Your Role as a Secretary/Administrator" class presented by PA State Association of Boroughs (Bill Curilla)  Curilla to tentatively attend the "Municipal Police Department and Oversight" training presented by PA State Association of Boroughs (paid for on my own)  Make a motion to approve the treasurers report.  Make a motion to approve the bills and salaries.  Make a motion to approve the receipts. * Citizens? Comments: * Adjournment:
Council Meetings
Council Meetings are conducted on the 1st Monday of every month unless that day falls on a holiday. In that case, the meeting will be held on Tuesday. Meetings are held at the Borough building at 6:30pm. The public is invited to attend.
Moving Permits and Tenant Permits
Moving Permits are required when moving into, out of, or within the Borough limits at a fee of $10.00. Tenant Permits are also required for $10.00 per adult when moving into a rental property. Permit applications may be obtained at the Borough office during regular office hours.
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