Special Meeting 12/20/2024
Beaver Meadows Borough Council Meeting Agenda 1/6/2025
The Meeting will be held in Council Chambers.
* Call to order:
Pledge to the flag.
Roll Call
* Dispense with reading of the minutes from the previous meetings.
December 2nd, 2024
December 20th, 2024 (Special meeting)
Omissions or corrections
Accept the minutes.
* Communications
Email from resident
* Executive Session
* Committee Reports
* Engineering
* Streets
Make a motion to ratify the following uses of the Covid relief fund:
1. $6,400 2nd and Church Street storm sewer inlet repair
2. $27,068.12 New Street Paving
3. $17,500 for 2nd Street inlet replacement
* Police
Monthly police report
* Sanitation
* Buildings
* Water and Sewer
Past due accounts
Biros report
Sewer line infrastructure
* Parks and Recreation:
Barb will read a report on Recreation.
* Zoning
Zoning ticket-making changes
* Unfinished Business:
Church Street one-way signs
* New Business:
Make a motion to hire Myers Environmental Services to be our water operator at $300.00 a month.
Make a motion to keep Alfred Benesch as our engineering firm.
Discuss office enclosure
Make changes to move in permit ordinance and make a motion to advertise the changes. Ordinance has not been updated in over 20 years.
Reorganize department heads to be the following:
1. Barb Brandon -Recreation and Sanitation
2. Mike Baran -Water and Sewer
3. BJ Cryder-Streets
4. Paul Sateach-Buildings
5. Michael Gerhard-Zoning
6. Dydyna Tranguch-Finance
Lack of communication amongst Council members and secretary (Bill Curilla)
Parking issue Broad and Depot Streets (Bill Curilla)
Police Productivity 2024 (Bill Curilla)
Send Laura to the "Your Role as a Secretary/Administrator" class presented by PA State Association of Boroughs (Bill Curilla)
Curilla to tentatively attend the "Municipal Police Department and Oversight" training presented by PA State Association of Boroughs (paid for on my own)
Make a motion to approve the treasurers report.
Make a motion to approve the bills and salaries.
Make a motion to approve the receipts.
* Citizens? Comments:
* Adjournment:
Council Meetings
Council Meetings are conducted on the 1st Monday of every month unless that day falls on a holiday. In that case, the meeting will be held on Tuesday. Meetings are held at the Borough building at 6:30pm. The public is invited to attend.
Moving Permits and Tenant Permits
Moving Permits are required when moving into, out of, or within the Borough limits at a fee of $10.00. Tenant Permits are also required for $10.00 per adult when moving into a rental property. Permit applications may be obtained at the Borough office during regular office hours.